Nova – Bootstrap 4 Sidebar Navigation is a professional CSS2 & CSS3 jQuery sidebar Responsive Navigation compatible with Bootstrap 4 framwork. This Navigation comes with vertical and sticky version and 3 different is static sidebar navbar. which is include HTML, CSS and javascript files. Make sure is not wordpress plugin.
Bootstrap 4+ vertical navbar component based in CSS and Javascript code with HTML. You can use Nova – Bootstrap 4 Sidebar Navigation it as a vertical Navigation. It is a Responsive vertical navigation, suitable for any type of dashboard, admin, website, template or landing page.
- – 100% Responsive Layout
- – 3 Deisgn Scheme
- – Google Web Font “Open Sans”
- – Bootstrap 4 Framework
- – Overley & Offcanvas Navbar
- – Documentation included
- – Clean Design and Code
- – Easy to Customize
- – Easy to use