Slider Revolution is an innovative, responsive jQuery Slider Plugin that displays your content the beautiful way. Whether it’s a Slider, Carousel, Hero Scene or even a whole Front Page, you will be telling your own stories in no time!
Slider Revolution Highlights
To get you started fast, we included a ton of premade examples that come with all assets included!
- Create Beautiful One-Page Websites
- Lots of Examples included
- Works Great on any Device (Desktop, Tablet, Mobile)
We made sure that Slider Revolution looks great and is intuitive to use on every device, be it desktop computers, tablets or smartphones.
- Works on Desktops, Notebooks, Tablets & Smartphones
- Optimised for Android & Apple Devices
- Custom Slide Content for different Devices
- Fallback Options for Mobile Devices
We want Slider Revolution to integrate into your website as seamlessly as possible. Why not show any content with it?
- Regular Image Display with Bulk Upload
- HTML5, YouTube & Vimeo Video Support
- Popular Social Media Content Stream
You get tons of navigation styles for bullets, arrows, tabs & thumbnails with Revolution Slider.
- Arrows, Bullet, Tab, Thumbnail Navigation
- Lots of “Ready to Use” Styles included
Plugin Features
Our premise is “less is more” and that is reflected in the structure of our components. In order to incorporate so much functionality into our plugins, we make sure everything is build as modular as possible.
- Fully Responsive & Mobile Specific Features
- jQuery 1.7 – jQuery 2.x Supported
- Lightning Fast Greensock Animation Engine
- Powerful API functions
- Smart Font Loading
We want Revolution Slider to be able to fulfill all slide based roles along with special functionality like carousels and hero blocks. If you can’t find a specific feature, feel free to ask us!
- Hero, Carousel and Classic Slider Features
- All Sizes Possible (Full Responsive + Revolutionary 4 Level Advanced Sizes)
- Fullwidth, Fullscreen, Auto Responsive Slider sizes
- Unlimited Sliders per page
- Image BG Cover, Contain, Tiled, Alignment, etc.
- Published / Unpublished Slides
- Publish slides based on predefined Dates
- Simple and Advanced Lazy Loading for Faster and SEO Optimized Slider Start
- Link and Actions on Slides
- Parallax Effects, full customizeable, combine with Ken Burns and other effects (Mouse / Scroll controlled)
- Improved Light weight Ken Burns Effects (easier & faster)
- World Premiere for advanced Action Building
- Build Social Stream based Sliders
- Quick and Easy building based on Slider, Slide and Layer Templates
- Performance Monitor and better Performance Suggestions
- Viewport based Slide Loading and Progress
Layers have evolved from simple layers to become powerful scene building tools!
Customize & Animate your way to your perfect slider.
- Huge Number of Possible Transitions
- Create your custom animations
- Set Start / End Time, Speed, Ease and Effects of any Layers
- Show/hide layers on Slider Effects, Events, Actions
- Add Unlimited Number of Layers
- YouTube, Vimeo, Self-Hosted HTML5 Videos, Shapes, Buttons, Predefined Buttons as Layer
- Set actions and links per Layers
- Combine Actions over different Layers and slides
- Option to Link to a Specific Slide via Layer
- Toggle Animation, Classes, video functions via Layers
- Variable Layer Image Sizes, full responsive and/or Device Size based
- Design your Layers for different Device sizes after your needs
- Option to Hide Layers on Any Devices
We have implemented almost all navigation types you can think of, which can be aligned anywhere on the stage.
Be in full control with Slider Revolution Navigation!
- Bullet, Button, Tabs and Thumbnail Navigation, single or mixed mode. Any position like outter,inner, aligned etc.
- Left/Right, Top/Bottom Mouse Scroll events.
- Vertical/Horizontal Keyboard actions
- Mobile Touch Enabled (Optional)
- Drag and Pull Carousel Feature
- “Stop Slide Timer on Hover” Function
- Auto-Hiding of Navigation with Delay Option
- Optional Countdown Timer Line
- Set position, color, size of Time Line
- Set size, visibility, amount and behaviour of Thumbs, Tabs, Bullets, Arrows
- Hide / Enable Navigation on Mobile Devices
- Keyboard Navigation
- Fancy Navigation Skins with Slider Preview
- AutoPlay – Always, only first time, skip first time, wait for action
- Stop video on Blur, Play Video only in ViewPort
- Rewind, or keep current progress time
- Set Start and End time
- Loop, “Loop and Progress” Slide
- Fullscreen, fullwidth, boxed
- Navigation features
- Action based control (through other layers)
- New Video API, Events and Methods to controll media outside of the Slider
Slider Revolution is not just your ordinary image & video slider any longer. Now you can also pull the sliders content from popular social media steams.
- Custom-Build Content
- YouTube
- Vimeo
- Flickr